2023 Sermon Trinity 11
The Lord and His House Luke 18:9-14 August 20, 2023 anno Domini God is in his holy habitation; he settles the solitary in a home. Today’s parable takes place in the Lord’s house. Every house has rules and the Lord’s…
2023 Trinity 10 Sermon
Do Your Eyes See Jesus? Luke 19:41-48 August 13, 2023 anno Domini Jesus wept three times in the New Testament. He wept over Lazarus grave. He wept over Jerusalem and He wept on the cross. Jesus wept over death, over…
2023 Trinity 9 Sermon
The Key to the Shrewd Manager Luke 16:1-13 August 6, 2023 anno Domini When asked why He spoke in parables Jesus gave this answer, “because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.” …
2023 Trinity 6 H Sermon
Jesus Makes the Law More St. Matthew 5:17-26 July 16, 2023 anno Domini When Jesus gets ahold of something He always makes it more. Think about last week’s Gospel. Peter, Andrew, James, and John fish all night. They got skunked.…
2023 Sermon Trinity 3
Micah Preaches for Us Micah 7:18-20 June 25, 2023 anno Domini You don’t know much about Micah, except for perhaps one thing. Micah is the prophet who said God’s Son would be born in the little town of Bethlehem. It’s…
2023 Trinity 2 Sermon
Come, Now, for All is Ready Luke 14:15-24 June 18, 2023 anno Domini In the Small Catechism, at the end of his 20 questions for those who intend to go the Sacrament, Martin Luther asks this question, “But what should…
2023 Holy Trinity Sermon
The Trinity and His Works John 3:1-15 June 4, 2023 anno Domini If there is one lesson we should learn from the Athanasian Creed it is that everything is tied to the Trinity. If you mess with the Trinity you’ll…
2023 Easter 4 H Jubilate Sermon
Jubilate 1 Peter 2:11-20 April 30, 2023 anno Domini Jubilate – shout for joy. That’s the exhortation of today’s introit. This is the Lord’s command for you. “Shout for joy” Jubilate. But this joy is a different joy. This is…
2023 Easter 3 Sermon
by Vicar Luke Otten The Shepherding Lamb 1 Peter 2:21-25 In the name of the Father and of the ✠ Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. The text for our sermon today comes from the Epistle reading from 1…