Is the Seed Sower Unsuccessful? Luke 8:4-15 February 12, 2022 anno Domini Jesus’ parable is troubling, but that’s good. The whole point of God’s Word is to trouble us, to shatter our rock-hard hearts so that He can plant His…
2023 Septuagesima Sermon
Matthew 20:1-16 An Eye of Evil by Vicar Luke Otten In the name of the Father and of the ✠ Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. The text for our sermon today comes from the holy Gospel according to…
2023 Transfiguration Sermon
Delightful Doctrine Matthew 17:1-9 January 29, 2023 anno Domini Doctrine isn’t sexy, but it is life. That’s my warning that today’s sermon is doctrinally deep and entertainment light. It will have twice the calories of my average sermon but won’t…
2023 Epiphany 2 Sermon
Marriage, Jesus, and Your Faith Ephesians 5:31-32 January 15, 2023 anno Domini I could easily preach for two hours on marriage according to God’s Word – that’s how rich marriage is. Be glad I write out my sermons so that…
2023 Epiphany 1 Sermon
The Father’s Business Luke 2:41-52 January 8, 2023 anno Domini It’s a troubling text isn’t it. Jesus of Nazareth is without sin, but here in Luke 2 it looks like He sinned. Isn’t causing your parents worry a sin? Isn’t…
2023 New Years Day Sermon
After Eight Days Luke 2:21 Circumcision and Name of Jesus 2023 At the end of eight days. It seems like such an irrelevant little phrase – at the end of eight days. Why not “after a few days” or “around…
2022 Christmas Eve Sermon
All I Want for Christmas is a Sermon Luke 2:1-20 December 24, 2022 anno Domini All I want for Christmas is (pause) a sermon. What? That wasn’t on your list? That it sounds as exciting as getting socks and underwear…
2022 Advent 4 Sermon
God’s Upsetting Choice St. Luke 1:39-56 December 18, 2022 anno Domini Martin Luther at one time believed Mary, the mother of our Lord was sinless. He also believed she was semper virgo – always a virgin, that Jesus was her…
2022 Advent 3 Gaudate Sermon
Rejoice John! Matthew 11:2-11 December 11, 2022 anno Domini Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I will say, Rejoice. Would John the Baptist say “amen” to that sermon as he sits in prison for preaching? It’s Gaudate Sunday. Rejoice in…
2022 Advent 2 Sermon Populus Zion
Populus Zion Malachi 4:1-6 December 4, 2022 anno Domini Populus Zion. The people of Zion, that’s the people Malachi prophesied to, and that’s us. They were back in Zion waiting for the day of the Lord and we are in…