Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church

2024 Pentecost Sunday

The Word Unites

Acts 2:1-21

May 19, 2024 anno Domini

In today’s Old Testament reading Moses tells us how we ended up with Germans, Swedes, and Somalians in Saint Cloud.  Now the whole earth had one language and the same words.  Speaking the same language, having the same words and definitions unites people. Unfortunately, on the plains in Shinar, those sinners united in their language in rebellion against God. You remember the command given to Adam and Eve and to Noah after the flood, be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. The living God likes life and loves children, that’s why He made them male and female and kept male and female alive on the ark. He created humanity to live, to multiply life, to rule creation and be good stewards of His planet. Moses doesn’t tell us if those sinners in Shinar didn’t want children, but they certainly did not want to fill the earth or subdue it. They wanted to make a name for themselves.

God divided them by confusing their language. Pretty hard to build a tower or even a shed if you’ve got a German speaking German, a Swede speaking Swedish, and Somalian speaking Somali. Don’t disobey God’s commands. It will divide you from others.

On Pentecost Day, 50 days Jesus rose from the dead, the Holy Spirit undid our babbling. He united the world. There weren’t any Germans or Swedes there, but there were Africans. There were Parthians and Medes and Elamites and residents of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,  Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome,  both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabians.

All the people heard a new language that day, and a new word. They heard it in their own tongues, but it was a unifying language – a word that would unite Jews, Cretans, Arabians, Somalians and Swedes, and even the Germans.  What was this new language? It is the language of God’s love for every human. It is the truth that universally explains the human condition. The Word that stands at the heart of that language is the Word made flesh – Jesus of Nazareth.

Words divide us. Definitions divide us. What is a woman? What is marriage? Life. Happiness. Israel. Palestine. Russia. Ukraine. Trump. Biden. Is it a human or a fetus? Is it reproductive rights or murder? Is Christianity the religion that changed the world or is it the cause of every war and the source of every oppression?

Every now and then, in my moments of sheer pride, I think that if people would just take my advice and agree with me the world would be a much better place. But who am I to speak? My wife and I define husband differently. My children and I define father differently. My definitions always benefit me and divide me from them. It’s no different in your house – you define words to benefit you. Time. Happiness. Love, Needs. Wants. We are no different than the people on the plains of Shinar who said, “Come, let us make a name for ourselves.”

Do you know the only way divisions will cease? Do you know the only way you will love your neighbor with the rainbow flag and he will love you with your wife and 1.7 above average children? You’ll have to stop calling each other names. It cannot be “them and us.”  It cannot be “Homophobe vs. LGBTQ+” or “Pro-Life vs. Pro-Death.”  I believe there is a political party trying to start up called the “No labels” party. It won’t work. There was a whole bunch of people with all sorts of different names and definitions in Jerusalem at Pentecost, but the text ends with one name. And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

There is only one Name that will unite people and it is the name of Jesus. The only language that will unite people is God’s Word. This will not happen by force. It happens by preaching and you can resist preaching. You can stay at home or go to the lake on Sunday. You can watch your grandchildren play ball on Sunday. You can daydream yourself away from God’s Word. The Spirit also unites people when you confess with your words and deeds the name of Jesus. But that too can be resisted. You can resist it. Keep quiet. Keep the peace. Pretend you’re at peace by not confessing the truth.

You don’t have to listen to the Word, but when you do the Holy Spirit can work faith in you through that Word. That’s the Holy Spirit’s work. He creates one united people. One of the Latin words for the church is the Una Sancta – One Holy People.

That’s what happened on Pentecost and happens wherever God’s Word is preached or confessed in its truth and purity. The Spirit of God unites people by bringing them to faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ.

This is how it works. Because you are a sinner you are born apart from God. By nature (because your nature is corrupted with sin) you don’t want anything to do with God. You’re born a rebel and a loner. You’re on your own and you live for you. You only get along with people who agree with your definitions and your language. You are happy or fulfilled as long as you get what you want. You live for you and you’ll be disappointed in you.

That’s what sin does. It turns you in on yourself and away from others, but the God who created you desires you to have joy and communion with Him and others. He never created man to be alone (hence the creation of woman). You can’t fix your sin, but He can. He sent His Son into the world. The Son of God took on the flesh of man, but without sin. Then He lived a perfect life. In His baptism Jesus soaked up your sins and then at the cross poured out His life for you. He took away your sin by accomplishing righteousness. When you are baptized, when you are brought to faith, when you believe that Jesus did this for you – you get everything Jesus did. His holy life becomes yours. His holy death becomes your death for sin. His holy place as a Son of God becomes your place as a child of your heavenly Father. You are no longer alone, but united with His Holy people.

The Holy Christian Church is not made up of good people. It is made up of sinners who have received the holiness of Christ. You’re in the Church as a gift. You’re forgiven as a gift. God is your Father as a gift. That’s what the Holy Spirit delivers to you through faith in Jesus Christ.

This Word, this truth, this love, this forgiveness, this Jesus is the only thing that can unite a husband and wife who sin against each other. It’s the only thing that can unite children to their sinful father. It’s the only thing that cannot unite Red Republicans and Blue Democrats. Force has never united anyone, but faith in Jesus has. Faith united Pharisees like Nicodemus with tax collectors like Matthew and prostitutes like Mary Magdalene. Faith united Jews and Gentiles and Samaritans and Persians and Arabians and Egyptians. Faith has united Germans and Swedes and wouldn’t it be cool if someday there were Somalians who confessed Christ in the pews of Redeemer? There’s only one way for that to happen. The Word of God needs to be preached here and you need the boldness to confess that Word out there. The Spirit works through the Word, to forgive us, to love us, to tell us the truth of Jesus. Only the Word can unite us and it does. In the name of Jesus. Amen.