If You Follow the Wisemen, then…
Matthew 2:1-12
January 5, 2025
Today we are observing the Epiphany of our Lord. It’s not a common word, perhaps you’ve heard someone say, “I’ve had an epiphany.” Epiphany means revealing, making known. You’re seeing something you had not seen before. Today is also called The Theophany – that’s a compound word putting God and appear together. The appearance of God.
The Wise Men had an epiphany and a theophany. When they arrived in Bethlehem, God was revealed to them. He appeared in a little boy, maybe a few months old, in His mother’s arms.
You also want an epiphany. Maybe you even want a theophany. Like the wise men you are seeking something. How do I know that? Because you are not content. You cannot sit still. You cannot stop pressing buttons on your phone and looking for the next great pleasure, pastime, or event to be revealed.
You want to know what is going in the world. You want to understand your own life, meaning, purpose. You seek approval and value. You enjoy getting the inside scoop – explaining what is going on behind the scenes. You love Epiphanies – that’s why you’re excited every time you hit an icon on your phone or why you must check every text message – you’re getting a new revelation, an epiphany. The wise men knew they were seeking God. That is also Whom you are seeking, although you may not realize it. The Devil and the world will tell you He’s the last thing you need, but in truth He’s the only One you need.
If you follow the wise men (and you should) you will only find God by His signs and the revelation of His Word. The wise men studied the stars for signs in the heavens. They saw a star, a new star, an odd star, a star that moved, and stopped, and led them. They followed it to Israel. There, and perhaps this is why we call them wise men, they actually asked for directions. They relied on the Word of God – the words of Daniel hundreds of years earlier and the words of Balaam a thousand years before that. It was Balaam who prophesied that “a star shall come out of Jacob and a scepter shall rise out of Israel.” A star and a King – that is what God’s Word said and the wise men went with God’s Word – to King Herod’s palace. Herod knew nothing of this King of the Jews, so he too, asked for directions. It’s a miracle – two men, in one text, who were lost asked for directions.
Herod asked the high priests and the scribes for directions. They gave him God’s Word, “In Bethlehem of Judea, for so it is written by the prophet: ‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’ ” From there, by the Word and by the star the wise men found God in the flesh of Jesus.
If you follow the wise men, when you find God, you will find a hidden God. The wise men found an infant boy. They did not find a king in a palace, or a royal son surrounded by servants and adorned in rich garments. The Shepherds found a baby in a barn. The wise men found a little boy in a house. You will see God most clearly in a naked man on a cross. You will not see Him with your eyes, but with your faith. He will create in you a heart that trusts Him by water and His Word. He will teach you His way using a sinful preacher. You will behold Him under bread and wine. He will not be what the world expects, what your heart desires, or what you hope to see. He is a hidden God revealed only by His Word.
When you follow the wise men you will walk alone. We don’t know how many wise men there were. We guess three because there were three gifts. But look who didn’t go to Bethlehem. No one went. Herod didn’t go. Jerusalem didn’t go. The chief priests and Scribes who heard about the star and who had God’s Word didn’t go. No one went to find the King of the Jews except these Gentiles. Even though there was a miraculous sign in the heavens, no one except these Eastern wise guys followed the star. Don’t be surprised when you find yourself all alone because you were led to Jesus.
When you follow the wise men, you’re going to be upset and disturbed. The wise men travelled around four hundred miles following the star – no interstates, no google maps, no rest areas, no heated seats or steering wheels. They were on the road for months. When they didn’t report back to Herod their lives were in danger. Herod was troubled and all Jerusalem with him when they learned of Jesus. Herod took Jesus as a threat to his Kingdom. He ruled the Jews. He didn’t need a rival king. Jerusalem didn’t need King Herod upset. When the Romans got upset Jews died – like those baby boys in Bethlehem.
This might explain why only the wise men came to Bethlehem. When you follow the wise men, you’re going to have to leave your old home behind. Your house of sin and pleasure and coveting. Herod would need to become a righteous King. The high priest would have to bow to Jesus. The Scribes would have to hang on the words of Jesus instead of their own liberal and pleasing interpretations. Coming to Jesus is not an easy thing. It is a miracle, worked by the Holy Spirit, through His Word. Jesus Himself said, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” When you follow Him, His Word leads you, not your heart. His voice guides you, not your vices. Your pleasure is not in your pleasure, but in the 10 commandments. Your body, your budget, your busyness are not yours but His.
When you follow the wise men, you will learn that Jesus is Lord of all. The Epiphany tells us that this God, this God in a diaper, this God in the flesh, this God on the cross, this Jesus of Nazareth is Lord of all.
You would think that would be comforting, but it’s hard on two accounts. For many it is hard to believe that Jesus came for me. Of course He died for all sinners, but no one has my sins. No one knows my worst sin, my vile thoughts, the distractions that run through my head even as I sit in the Lord’s house. The Devil is very talented at making us feel worthless and useless, beyond the love of God, but Jesus Christ came for all. God loved the world – that’s you. In Jesus we have all received grace upon grace – that’s you. In Christ God was reconciling the world to Himself not counting men’s sins against them – even you.
But there’s another part of “all” that’s troubling. All includes those who have hurt you, whom you don’t like, whom you consider evil or beyond love. Christ Jesus died for all. He ate with prostitutes and tax collectors. Who knows where he would dine today, but it might just tick you off. He welcomed wise men from the East. He would do the same with East Africans.
The wise men followed a star, a light shining in the darkness led them to Jesus who would declare, “I am the Light of the world.” When you follow the wise men to that Light you’re going to see everything differently. When you find Christ and He finds you, you’re going to see that God is love, selfless, sacrificial love for you. Once He loves you, you will love. Once you experience Epiphany, everything will look different –your spouse if you’re married, your children if you have children, your work, your possessions, your wealth, your pleasure. If you follow the wise men, you will go home a different way. It’s not the common way or a popular way, but it is the way of light and life. In the name of Jesus. Amen.