Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church

2024 Easter Dawn

Why are You Weeping?

John 20:1-18

March 31, 2024 anno Domini

Jesus asked Mary, “Why are you weeping?” It wasn’t as if Jesus didn’t know the answer. He is God. He knows all things. He knew why Mary was weeping. She was weeping because Jesus was supposed to be dead. She was weeping because she couldn’t find His body. She was weeping because she wanted to perform one last act of love for the Rabbi who had set her free from seven demons.  You would weep too.

In today’s Old Testament reading the Lord asks Moses, “Why do you cry to me?” The Lord knew why Moses was crying. The trip to the promised land hadn’t even started and the Israelites were whining like a bunch of toddlers in the back seat. Moses was crying out because the people were afraid. Pharoah’s army was on one side and the Red Sea on the other. Death by sword or by drowning. Take your pick. You too would weep.

When the Lord asks you “why” He knows why. He isn’t asking because He doesn’t know. He’s asking because there is something you don’t know or don’t remember or don’t believe.

Jesus had told His disciples three times that He would be handed over to the authorities, He would suffer, be crucified, and three days later He would rise again to life.

When Mary Magdalene found the tomb empty what should she have concluded? Christ is risen, but what did she conclude? Someone stole His body. Why would she have concluded that? Because resurrections from the dead are quite rare. I have never witnessed one myself. Have you?

Mary ran back and told Peter and John. What did they conclude? They concluded Mary didn’t know what she was talking about. She might as well have told them the check engine light was on or the washing machine was leaking. Sure it is. Let me go take a look. Peter and John also did not conclude that Jesus had risen from the dead. They didn’t say, “Well of course He’s not there Mary. He is risen just as He said.” No they ran to the tomb, not believing Mary, not believing Jesus.

At the tomb for the second time we get another piece of evidence as to why Mary shouldn’t weep and why God asks “why” questions. John looked in and saw the linen cloths lying where Jesus’ body had been. Peter, being Peter ran right into the tomb and saw not only the linen cloths, but the face covering, not just lying there, but folded up. What body snatching, grave robber takes the time to unwrap the body and fold up the face clothes?  When someone breaks into your car to steal the radio – do they carefully unplug it and make sure there’s no damage to your dashboard? John saw this and believed.

Mary remained behind and looked in. The third piece of evidence for the resurrection is that Jesus still isn’t there, but two angels are – sitting where Jesus’ body had been. Three people have now seen an empty tomb. Three people have seen the linen cloths and face cloth all folded up. Mary now sees two angels. The truth should be coming clear, so the angels ask, “Woman, why are you weeping?” but Mary still doesn’t believe. She still thinks someone has taken Jesus and she doesn’t know where.

Mary needs more for her faith and Jesus delivers because He wants you to believe. He delivers by asking her again, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She assumes this guy is the gardener. She assumes he has moved the body. Why would he do that? Is it common for groundskeepers to shuffle the bodies around? Or is the Devil using Mary’s fear and sadness to believe the worst? Jesus puts an end to Mary’s doubt with her name, “Mary.” She sees, she believes, she confesses “Rabonni” and then acts by wrapping her arms around Jesus.

When Jesus asks you “why” He is rebuking you. Mary believed a lie, because it’s easier to believe a lie than the truth. It’s easier to believe sin is okay than to believe sin angers God. It’s easier to believe everyone goes to a better place than to believe God has provided one way into life and the resurrection (and His name is Jesus). It is easier to put more hope in the “right” government (whatever that is) than to believe Christ sits in heaven ruling all things for the sake of His church. Nations come and go, but Christ’s Kingdom from the day of His resurrection is always growing. It’s easier to live in occasional contact with Jesus, than to trust Him with your life, your sexuality, your money, your family, and your Sundays. When Jesus asks you “Why?” He is calling you to repent. He rose from the dead and that changed everything for Mary and it should change everything for you. If you want the truth that makes for real life listen to Jesus. Read the Bible. Hear His preachers. Sin is not okay. The next president isn’t going to save you or the country. Occasional contact with Jesus might be more dangerous than no contact at all. Repent.

Jesus asks you “why” to comfort you.  Why are you anxious? Why are you worried about death? Why are you troubled? Why do you despair over politicians who support the murder of the unborn and the mutilation of teenagers? Do you really think this is anything new? Jesus will show you new. He’ll tell you and show you like Mary. He is risen. Put whatever you’re worried about, afraid of, dreading in that question, “Why are you fill in the blank?” To whatever that is Jesus would ask you “why” does that trouble you? I rose from the dead.

The resurrection means that Jesus has taken away the sin of the world. You sin you die. If you don’t have any sin you won’t die. If your sin is taken away you have to rise from the dead. If Jesus rose (and He did) and you believe that, then you’re set. His rising means that a new creation has begun. It begins in you when you believe He rose from the dead and when you trust His death takes away your sin. It started with Mary Magdalene and Peter and John and spread through their witness and the preaching of the Apostles. Forgiveness makes you human again – it restores you to God your Father and enables you to love Him by faith and your neighbor by deed. Heaven and earth are going to pass away, but the Word of God will never pass away – and His Word is this – Christ is risen from the dead. Why are you crying? Christ has risen from the dead.

Lastly the Lord asks us “Why?” to direct us. The Lord asked Moses why and then told him to get Israel moving toward the sea. Jesus asked Mary why so she would stop standing in the cemetery and start witnessing to the resurrection. The Lord asks you “Why?” to get you moving because He works through people to bring this good news to others. If the Israelites would not have moved Pharoah’s army would not have been drowned. If Mary wouldn’t have moved the other disciples would not hear that “I have seen the Lord.” If St. Patrick hadn’t moved to Ireland they would not have heard of Jesus. If St. Boniface hadn’t gone to Germany all of us Germans would still be pagans.

Why are you standing still? Christ has risen from the dead. Why are you standing still as the government, especially in Minnesota is whittling away religious freedom and forcing it’s perverted morality on the church, the weak, and the poor? Why are you silent in the face of lies when you know the truth? Why do you just want to keep to yourself and try to seek peace in isolation? Jesus is asking, because He rose from the dead. Mary got moving and by her witness she began to change the world from darkness to light, from sorrow to joy. Get moving. You will do the same. In the name of Jesus. Amen.