David’s Son and David’s Lord
Matthew 22:34-46
October 8, 2023 anno Domini
The Pharisees don’t like Jesus. They don’t like the Sadducees either. Since Jesus had just silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees had a plan. Silence Jesus and we’re one up on two enemies. So, they put one of their lawyers forward. You know one of those nerdy guys who knows every jot and tittle of the Law. He’s the guy at the insurance company who tells you everything on your car was covered except the part you damaged – it’s in your contract, in the fourth footnote on page 375.
Saint Matthew doesn’t tell us what commandment the lawyer is hoping for because it doesn’t matter. He just wants to argue with Jesus and the rest of the Pharisees are hoping Jesus gets tripped up and gives an answer they can use to their advantage.
What don’t you like about Jesus? What would you argue with Him about? Don’t like His Word about teaching your children the faith because you left that to the pastor? Don’t like His Word about marriage because your son is living with his girlfriend? Don’t like His Word about baptism because your grandchild isn’t baptized? I recently talked to a pastor who was visiting souls in his congregation who were not attending church. A fifty-year-old life-time member told him that no one ever told her church attendance was expected of Christians. I’m guessing she would argue with Jesus who commanded His men to baptize, preach, teach, and give the Lord’s Supper – all of which assumes believers will gather together to receive His gifts.
Learn from the Pharisees – don’t argue with Jesus. He is the Word of God, the eternal Word, the first Word, the last Word, the Word made flesh. All words come from Him. He created logic, rhetoric, grammar, and vocabulary. You’re not going to win against Jesus.
Also be careful when you question Jesus because He’ll give you more of an answer than you were expecting. His answer might come with a little snark and sarcasm. It’s what you deserve if you’re challenging God. He doesn’t give the Pharisees ONE great commandment. He gives them TWO. Both are found in the books of Moses. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
How are the Pharisees going to contradict Moses? How are they going to argue against love of God and love of neighbor? The Pharisees wanted to win, but Jesus preaches losing – losing your love of self to trust God alone and then having been loved by God losing yourself in love and sacrifice for your neighbor.
While they are figuring out how to respond, Jesus goes on the offensive and asks them a question. Don’t you hate it when people answer questions with questions? Dear, could you please take out the garbage? Why? Is it full? Do you have any plans for next weekend? Why do you want to know?
What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is He? Give the Pharisees some credit. They answer the question, “The son of David.” And now Jesus tests them. Calling the Christ “the son of David” confessed that the Christ is a man, a descendent of David. So, Jesus presses the question, “How is it then that David, in the Spirit, calls him Lord?”Calling Christ the Lord is confessing Him as God. Jesus again quotes the Old Testament, Psalm 110: The Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand, until I put your enemies under your feet.”
Jesus’ final question silences the Pharisees, “If then David calls him Lord, how is he his son?” Jesus is asking if the Pharisees believe God’s Christ is both God and man at the same time. He’s getting to the heart of their hatred toward Him. Jesus said things only God could say, did things only God could do, and claimed to be God Himself. Their problem is our problem – when Someone claims to be God then you’re not. When you confess, “I believe in God,” you’re confessing you’re not in charge. You answer to someone else. Then you face the test of faith. Are you going with Jesus, believing Him? Or are you going your own way, arguing with Him Him and His Word like the Pharisees?
The earliest false teachings in Christendom attacked Jesus, particularly His claim to be God. People struggled with the thought that the God of heaven would take up residence in human flesh and remain in that flesh for all eternity. God was too great for that. One of those early false teachers was named Arius and he taught that the Son of God was not of the same substance as the Father. The Son was less than the Father. Arius got corrected by the Nicene Creed which confesses that Jesus is “God of God, light of light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, of one substance with the Father.”
We are tempted by the opposite false teaching. We’re fine with Jesus being true God, but we forget that He was true man. The most grievous sins of our day are sins against our humanity – abortion, adultery, pornography, divorce, transgenderism, feminism.
Why do we believe that the unborn are human? Because the Son of God was conceived in Mary’s womb. He was a human, living boy, from conception on.
Why are there only two genders? Why is marriage between one man and one woman? Because that’s the way salvation came into the world. Jesus was a man born of a woman. In the New Testament He is called the bridegroom and He has one bride – the church – all who believe in Him. The only place where life is created is where the Groom Christ is together with His bride – there children are born of baptism, fed by the Word, and strengthened at the family table of the Lord’s Supper.
Why is divorce a sin? Because God didn’t divorce you for your sins. He sacrificed Himself for you. He died for you. He loved you until you were lovely again.
When you mess with humanity, gender, marriage, you’re going against the Gospel of Christ. You’re arguing with Jesus and choosing yourself over Him. You’re choosing sin and death over Christ and the life that comes with His forgiveness.
You shouldn’t be surprised if you struggle with what we believe, teach, and confess. Don’t be shocked if your children and grandchildren think you’re out of touch. Today people want to be spiritual but not religious. They want to separate their actions from their faith. Not only do they not want to hear a physical pastor or attend a real church, but they also separate their flesh, their sexuality, their humanity from their faith. They do as they please falsely believing God doesn’t care about their flesh or even is pleased.
The Son of God is David’s Son and David’s Lord. Your Savior was conceived in the flesh of Mary and still resides in the flesh of Jesus. He was born into a family – one man one woman for one lifetime. He not only confessed His belief in marriage He lived it – always faithful to His bride, laying down His life for her, loving her with His love until she was lovely, forgiven. He did this in His human flesh for your human flesh. He delivers His love, His forgiveness by pouring water on your head, speaking His Word in your ears, and giving you His very body and blood in His Supper. The only way of life is this – the Son of God became man. His flesh is your life so confess Him with your flesh. Confess with your body and life what you believe in your heart – that life is in the flesh and in the name of Jesus. Amen.